The MultiMarkdown ToC Do you ever feel like you’re never finished? I do, and I’m not happy with the fact that I haven’t been able to make Scrivener trigger the mmd-xslt script following a compile to MultiMarkdown HTML. Fine. As with the original XML epiphany, I knew there had to be code to perform an… Continue reading Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder or: Performing an XSLT Transformation on the Server
Month: April 2012
Au Contraire, Mon Frère or: Putting the ‘X’ in XHTML
To snippet or not to snippet My last post spoke of the need to use a snippet of XHTML in order to include it in a WordPress Page. This rule was short-lived. Why am I recanting my story? I switched to MultiMarkdown 3 and attempted the use its XSLT transformation capabilities; something of which requires… Continue reading Au Contraire, Mon Frère or: Putting the ‘X’ in XHTML
Necessity Is The Mother of Invention or: Updating a WordPress Page From a Sparse-Checkout of a Git Repo
Learning I’ve been working on this app spec for weeks at work. In an effort to improve on what I’d accomplished, I reached out to my friend, and one of the smartest people I know, Peter Becan. I wanted him to teach me how to do it right. Peter’s been doing this sort of thing… Continue reading Necessity Is The Mother of Invention or: Updating a WordPress Page From a Sparse-Checkout of a Git Repo