I have been (re)working the Time Tracker sample app for some time now. I want to move the app to a WinForms app and I have been looking at the TaskVision sample app for ideas. I personally do not care for its use of web services, and I am partial to remoting. I also want… Continue reading ISO The Ultimate Design Pattern
Month: August 2003
Dynamic Update for a Caching-Only DNS
The public interface of my ISA Server is configured for DHCP. It is in turn attached to a cable modem. The problem that this presents is that the cable provider could change the DNS server addies, and the caching-only DNS server installed on the ISA Server would no longer have correct addresses for its forwarders.… Continue reading Dynamic Update for a Caching-Only DNS
If you don’t d/l this, you need your head examined.
Goto DevExpress and download the free XtraNavBar Suite. This thing is H00K3D UP! For one, you can change the style from Windows XP Explorer to a myriad of MS Office styles. Also has a VS.NET look available too. Now, what are you waiting for?