My friend Andy asked me a few minutes ago how to recover from inadvertantly deleting a Forms Designer generated .resx file. In order to recover from this unfortunate happenstance, I had him do the following: Open the .csproj file in his editor of choice. Locate the <File> element that references the .resx file. Delete the… Continue reading Regenerate Deleted Forms Designer .resx File
Month: July 2004
aspnet_regsql.exe Does Not Configure Permissions
I’ve started to work with Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1. I installed it into a Virtual PC 2004 VM running Windows XP SP1a. In the process of trying new things out, I discovered the new ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool. This is a web app that allows for easier configuration of Security, Profile, Application, and… Continue reading aspnet_regsql.exe Does Not Configure Permissions