In the never ending quest for the ultimate RSS feed reader, I just installed Sage for Firefox. This Firefox extension resides inside the browser and integrates directly with Firefox’s live bookmarks. RSS feeds are displayed in a browser tab. The formatting is based on either an embedded CSS stylesheet, and or an external sheet.
Once installed, Sage requires one change. The default stylesheet does’t handle advanced HTML formatting in the entry all that well. Of course, not too suprising, a Safari like stylesheet has been developed for Sage. The stylesheet resides here at Oh, and to give credit where credit is due, I found about the Safari stylesheet at StarvingArtist.
I was using RssBandit prior. Don’t get me wrong, RssBandit is a fine application, but, it’s another application. There’s just so many apps one man can run. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that Thunderbird can’t sync with my BlackBerry, I would migrate off of Outlook. Anyway, enjoy Sage.